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this is the closest i’ll come to touching you the way i want

love came here and never left (this the closest i’ll come to touching you the way I want) uses footage from the arctic and a mixture of audio including the stories of explorers and whalers as well as my own recordings that I made while in Svalbard. Some of the audio is from recordings made as messages to my partner, made at night to summarize my day, to connect with someone I felt so far from; I had no communication with anyone outside my shipmates for the duration of my expedition. The piece lives in the liminal space between personal experience, historical narratives, and storytelling.

The video is part of a larger exhibition, love came here and never left, about the experiences of lovers separated by the arctic -- including those of whalers, explorers, and my own self.

This piece was screened at the Every Woman Biennial in London in 2021, the Cultural Center of Cape Cod in 2021, the Uninhabited Film Festival in Copenhagen in 2022, and was part of the exhibition To feel All Your Warmth in 2022.